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Put the FUN in a functional classroom space

You can find my printable resources on TPT

My new favorite game is below.

My current teaching space is a small office where I  help students with reading support.

It can be a challenge to keep everything close without being crowded.  Routine is the key.

Lots of my supplies are laminated and stored in clear boxes.  Kids enjoy learning with games.

This is one of my new favorites.  I can group the cards, and use them in a way that will help the students to work on a particular skill like – sounds of “er”.

er – ir – ur-
or play with all the cards,  ar, or, er, ir, ur,
and the trick r sounds “air”, “ear”


TPT shop  – R -Controlled Uno

I have created lots of different card games.  They can be used as flashcards 1:1 or used as group games. The above R-Controlled Uno, we play with the cards face up.  This is helpful so the student can help each other and everyone is using peer to peer learning.

Below is a link to other card games you may like too.

Teachers Pay Teachers

This is a good game to play with all students, there a lot of homophone words in the R-controlled words.

For example: stair & stare. poor, pore & pour.

One way to playing this game is to ask the students to read the card and say a sentence with the word in it. This helps the students to learn the vocabulary for different words, the spelling patterns and the homophones. It is especially helpful for English as second language learners. I love hearing the students responses when the start to figure it out and make those learning connections.

This is a great game.

You might also like the Sight word Uno

I use a crayon rubbed on the back to mark my cards before I laminate them.

It is helpful to me, so that I do not get the different Uno sets mixed up.