The Pirate Letters Lowercase Handwriting Storybook
This book is 4 books in one. The four groups of letters for handwriting are put together in one adventure story. To teach kids to make the letters correctly and remember them in a fun and helpful way. The groups help to avoid common letter reversal errors. Special attention has been shown to the very important vowels. These books can be purchased separately as Titles R, C, i, and X.
See below for more information about the individual books in this story.
More Handwriting resources for this book can be found on TPT. Teachers Pay Teachers – Pure Joy Teaching.
R’s Pirate Letters: Handwriting Storybook Lowercase Letter Formation
Treasure-seeking pirates are distracted by a new adventure. That leads them to start learning the valuable skill of handwriting. The first letters they learn are: r, n, m, h, b, p.
This is the first book in the series Pirate Handwriting. TPT Resources
C Pirate Letters: Handwriting Storybook Lowercase Letter Formation
Treasure-seeking pirates are continuing their new adventure. That leads them to start learning the valuable skill of handwriting, by tracing objects in the sand. This is the second group of letters that they learn: c, a, g, d, q, o, s, e.
This is a great companion book for the popular Orton-Gillingham style of handwriting.
This is a wonderfully useful resource to use with Montessori-style sand trays.
I Pirate Letters: Handwriting Storybook Lowercase Letter Formation
Treasure-seeking pirates want to start digging for their treasure. What they find in the sand leads them to start learning the straight line letters. These letters are the third handwriting group they learn: i, j, l, t, f, k.
This is the third book in the series Pirate Handwriting.
X Pirate Letters: Handwriting Storybook Lowercase Letter Formation
X may be the pirate’s favorite letter. As they come to the end of their lowercase letter adventure. The treasure-seeking pirates are almost at the end of the lowercase letter adventure. What they find in the sand leads them to start learning the slanted line letters and the last vowel. These letters are the fourth handwriting group they will learn: v, w, y, x, z, u.
Awesome animal alphabet poems that teach children the correct starting and stopping points of the lower case letters. Fun and engaging pages. Easy to start at the green dot, and follow the arrows along with the directions of the animal’s actions. Letter sounds to match the animal names to help make that sound connect with handwriting. Resource Link TPT Teachers Pay Teachers.
If a Pig could Paint, oh! the different ways a pig might paint. And the dog & the cat might start painting too. Find painting-themed teacher resources on TPT.
Book on AmazonThe arctic is a beautiful place; would it be changed if walruses wanted waffles? Acting silly, dressing up in costumes, coming into our homes, how far would they be willing to go to get more of those tasty waffles?
Waffle Counting Cards Resource Link TPT Teacher Pay Teachers
Eating Mostly Healthy snacks, Alex the Alligator finds things in alphabetical order. Some things he finds are not for eating. Simple pictures for young ones to begin letter recognition.
View the book sample on Amazon.
Ebook & Paperback available on Amazon.
Printable Alligator Puppet
Perfect match for Eating ABC fun.
Oliver the Octopus counts
to Eight in the Ocean
Colorful Octopus and Starfish in a Hide & Seek type counting book. Learn a few octopus facts while counting to Eight.
Ebook & Paperback is available on Amazon.
10, 9, 8,….ZOOM! Countdown to zoom with this illustrated balloon rocket book.
A great mix of science and math, to inspire creative learning.
Find on Amazon ebook & paperback.
Long a clip cards, with spelling tips ay, a_e, ai, ea, ei, et, Pictures
Mnemonic Long a Vowel Teams, Flashcards, Booklet, visual spelling aid Pictures
Helpful color pictures for visual spelling aid and word lists. Mnemonic Vowel Teams for the LONG ā Spellings – ay, ai, ei, a_e, ea, ey, et, ae, & a
All Caps. Easy to read the text. Colorful simple zebra border with a pop of thin line color frame design. Clear, easy to read. Download in a zip file and customize it for use in your learning center.
Great for classroom posters or can be printed smaller for personalized cards, on card stock for durability.
Framed in a zebra pattern border, the shapes and color cards are very pleasing to look at. Basic color and shapes: RED, ORANGE, YELLOW, GREEN, BLUE, PURPLE, SQUARE, CIRCLE, STAR, RECTANGLE, OVAL, TRIANGLE. Perfect for decoration and educational games. Use for matching shape outline to solid form, as an example. Print on cardstock for durability. Print smaller cards size for personal use or print larger for display use or circle time prompts.
Framed in zebra pattern border, Capital letters, and lower case letters in clear easy-to-read text. Special attention was made to the lower case a, and g. These letters are block style for easy recognition for less confusion. Download the zip file and print to personalize for your own use. Easy to handle print small cards sizes, or print larger page sizes for classroom decoration and themes.
These bright and colorful Maori Number Cards are a great way to reinforce number recognition with the corresponding Maori word.
Create a visual display or smaller card game type resource, to assist you when teaching.
Zebra Numbers Cards/Posters- Download & Print.
These bright and colorful zebra design Number Cards are a great way to reinforce number recognition with the corresponding word.
Create a visual display for the classroom or smaller card game type resource, to assist you when teaching.
Kids like to feel like they are writing their own books. Let them draw a picture and write a story to go with it. So many ways to use this great resource. Stimulate young readers & artists.
Printable book image (Jpeg) – Landscape on letter-size paper, 8 colors, 4 Types, 32 items.
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