Sensory bags for Hand Writing without Tears

Easy to make this sensory bag with any cream and a few colors sealed in a zip lock-style bag.

Sensory Bag for Handwriting
Hand Writing with Color Mixing FUN


This is a simple and fun way to change up the Hand writing without tears style of teaching.   It is a ziplock bag, sealed with extra layers of clear packing tape to help avoid puncture.  Special care was taken on the weak points of the bag, the top, and the seams.   

Make sure to press out all the air before sealing.

This bag was filled with cheap dollar-store hair conditioner, blue & red liquid watercolor.   Notice the letter cards are secured together with a simple ring after hole punched.  It is hard to see, but under the bag is a yellow holographic piece of card stock.  

Double Layer the Bags

Funny thing:  We like to recycle in our classroom, but there is a limit.  The first time we tried this, it was older zipper-lock bag that we had reused for odds and ends. I only taped the zipper end shut.    I did not want to waste a new bag.   Ha ha! The joke was on me, it gave way and I was cleaning up this clever project.   So tape, or double on bags.  

Happy Hand Writting!

Have Pure Joy Teaching