Created to help children learn the correct starting points for the lower case letters, and create an auditory link between the visually related objects that make the correct letter sound. Each page has color animal actions to follow.

This book can be found on Amazon HERE
The students really like the letter u page. they laugh at the word underwear. Uncle umbrella bird flies under the underwear, these are all short u vowels sounds. This is important because bossy r words block the short u sound and the long u words like ukulele do not help students with the short vowel decoding of CVC words. (consonant vowel consonant)
Ukulele is also a Hawaiian word, so the long e sound at the end of word does not follow the normal English spelling rules.

Link to my shop HERE
You can download and print these cards, that are based on the my book. Use them in your classroom or home to help students with handwriting.