You can use letter pictures to teach sounds and spelling patterns.
Sound Wall Frame and Heart Words were a big hit. Skill was Short /o/ as in all.
The Sound Wall Frame and Heart Words were a big hit with my students. We focused on the short /o/ sound, as in “all.” One of my students drew two L’s hugging each other, the letter /a/ is thought it was so cute, and she made the /o/ sound, “ŏ.”

I created a simple and versatile sound wall to display on my classroom wall, right next to my reading table. As part of my reading intervention lessons, students are encouraged to create visual images to help them remember the skills we are working on.
Add some silliness to the sight words. I have a collection of sight words that have a silly snake image. I tell the students that it is a sleepy snake. He falls asleep and starts to snore. He makes the “zzzzz.” sound.
This snoring snake would be a cute one to draw for the Sound Wall Frame.
Words in this list include- is, his, was, has.