A Magazine Storage File, Makes a Great Divider on My Literacy Shelf.
Easy Way to Store the Different Letter Boards
There are many reasons why I took the time to create extra blending broads. Then, I needed a way to store all the extra boards. The magazine file holders are a perfect fit for my shelf. They are within reach of my reading table. The boards slide right in. They are big enough to fit smaller cookie sheets too.
Clear L-Pocket Covers
Each whiteboard is covered with a clear plastic L pocket before it is put on the shelf. We call it the clear blanket. The younger kids say, “Time for the letters to go night-night”. After they put all the letters back in place, they slip each whiteboard into the pocket. Making sure the open end is at the top and the folder end is at the bottom. So, no letter tiles will escape.
The cookies nest together very nicely, we usually don’t cover them.
Leveled Letter Groups
UFli is great. They have wide range of free things in the toolbox. The Satpim order is not taught in the UFLi scope and sequence, but the decodable books that were available at my school were the Satpim style. So, I adapted some of my blending boards to have less letters. This was helpful for a few reasons.
- Fewer letters to start with.
- Less to clean up or lose.
- Less distraction on the blending board.
- Costs less – fewer magnets needed.
- Sorted pre-made boards for differentiated invention groups.
Blending Without Tears
Some students can’t handle all 26 letters at once. One boy started to cry. He was new to group and he did not have all his sounds yet. When we switched to less letters it was easier for him to keep up.
The result was more organized system that flowed will with the scope and sequence of each group.
Lines Under the Letters
I also added lines under the letters. To help aid the students with the letter reversal issues. b, d, p, q, n, u, m, w. All these letters were creating problems. Some students said things like, “I have two m’s.” I had to admit without the bottom line as reference it did look like she had two letter m’s.
Extra Letters
It has proven to be helpful to have a box of extra letters near by. With out fail some how the letters get misplaced. This large shorting box has been very handy.
Vowel Importance – Red Letters
Sometimes we need to do a little extra vowel pratice. These cvc word builder sheets let student put the missing vowel sound in the word next to the picture. The self-checking flap help it to feel more like a game.
Some struggling reader need little bit of extra phonemic support with the letter sounds. It is another way to scafold the learning.