Leveled educational intervention for the different structured literacy stages.
Lots of great phonics spelling games in one big bundle.
A fun way to learn spelling rules and reading flashcards in a game-style educational setting.
Great for leveled educational intervention for the different structured literacy stages. Easy to fit into your scope and sequence.
CVC, CVCC, Floss, R-controlled, CVCe, Long a, C+le, Many sounds of y, many spellings of sh, Many silent letters, syllables, vowel teams, many spellings of “ew/oo” and sight words.
Based on many familiar kids’ games: Uno, War, Old Man, Go Fish, Crazy Eights, Rummy, and some editable play cards. You must see, there is so much in this bundle.
R controlled Trigraphs Mnemonic Bossy r Booklet, spelling help for sounds air, ear,
Mnemonic pictures are a great way to help teach sound sorting for the various tricky spellings of the five bossy r trigraphs.
air, ear, oar, er, r . These 5 sounds can be spelled in lots of ways.
This booklet has 35 Mnemonic pictures for the vowels and bossy r – to help create a visual picture that can remind the student how the word is spelled.
R-controlled UNO-style card is a great way students can learn to read the spelling patterns with confidence and have fun at the same time. Have Pure Joy Teaching.
This is so much fun learning with a bossy R controlled uno game.
Find this game on Teachers Pay TeachersStudents think it is great! They want to play this game over and over.
Fun Uno-Style Educational Game
It helps students with reading R-controlled words
and they love playing it.
Playing Cards are grouped by colors for similar spellings
ar – or – ur – er – ir – ‘air’- ‘ear’ – ‘oar’
15 different Homophones (including a list with definitions)
The red and black text makes the decodable parts stand out.
Game Play Options
We play with cards face up, and it helps to improve their reading skills. This gives the whole group a chance to help each other when they spot a match, and it keeps everyone’s attention on reading the words.
Teacher tip – The colored groups make it easy sort and to use these as flashcards.
Group By Sounds /er/
Often I will introduce just the /er/ sounds together ( er, ur, ir) and students are surprised at how quickly they can read now that they know how to decode the 3 different spellings that all make the same sound.
This game can be found in a group with other games.
Group By the /ar/ and /or/
The r-controlled /ar/ is one of the few times in English that a consonant letter gets to say it’s name. That makes is special. With the help of the silent vowel /a/ the consonant /r/ can now say it’s name. I like to introduce /ar/ and /or/ together and we play the game with just those two sounds, then combine all the cards to play the complete game.