Blessed and defended by an angel Num 22:12

The kids are amazed or laugh at the talking donkey part.   I use a silly voice for the donkey, it is funny.

The book of numbers has a collection of lots of stories.  One of them is commonly known as Balaam’s Donkey.   In my classroom, I have retold this story many times.  The kids are amazed or laugh at the talking donkey part.   I use a silly voice for the donkey, it is funny.   Kids books are filled with stories of talking animals, so the full impact of a talking donkey might be missed by them.    Really, my starting point is that I have retold this story many times.  To my  surprise, I heard some new from it today.   That is one of things that is some exciting about the Bible.  You can reread it over and over, still find something new that jumps out and pulls at your heart or makes you think.

Today that word that jumped out was “Blessed.”

But God said to Balaam, “Do not go with them. You must not put a curse on those people, because they are blessed.”

Numbers 22:12

Let me paint the full picture for you, God said (simply) “do not put a curse on those people, they are blessed (to me).   Then he sends a angel with a sword to defend what he called his blessed ones.

Jesus called us blessed.

 Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed;blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”                                   John 20:29

I like the idea of that he can come to the aid of his blessed ones, even good as far as sending an angel with a sword to protect his blessed ones.   That group of Israelites, was less than the perfect group.  They were humans that made lots of bad choices, just like myself.   We are all prone to make mistakes.  It is nice to know that God still comes to our aid, even when are undeserving of it.   Sometimes even sending an angel with a sword, to stop something that is coming our way.

For the full story read Numbers  chapters 22-24.

Bible references from NIV: . (n.d.). Retrieved April 09, 2018, from

Christian Valentines from Teacher to Students

In the Christian classroom we try to always bring every holiday back to God is the reason for the season.

During my first year teaching in a Christian preschool, I was caught off guard by Valentine’s day.   The stores did not have any Valentine’s that I wanted to give to my students.

There were some very creative moms in my class and they inspired me to make up my own Christian Valentines for my students.  Using the shape and size of a standard Hershey bar, I created a wrapper that said,  “HE IS LOVE.”

The kids loved it.   One precious little boy lit up with excitement, ” A big candy bar, all for me!” He was overwhelmed by the large size of it in his small hand.

His wonderful mom said, he needed to eat lunch first and it might be nice to share that big candy bar.

School policy says we only celebrate Christian holidays in the classrooms.  We always bring every holiday back to God and the reason for the season.  Valentine’s Day is no different.  One of our memory verses is:

God is Love.

1 John 4:16.

So the phrase “He is Love, ” makes sense, for his holiday gift.

I put other verses on the back and left a space for me to write their names.  The original master copy is signed by me, which saves me time each year.

I have put this item on Tpt, if you’re interested in this download printable check it out HERE!


Be sure to check out:  Answers in Genesis website.   It has lots of free videos for kids and adults.  It is a valuable resource for parents and teachers.  My family loves it.

Ed Said, “d, id, t.” Suffix Game

Comparing Water Soluble Crayons to Colored Pencils


Comparing Colored Pencils to Water Soluble Crayons

Psalm 144;145;146;147 :Bible journaling – Bible page 346

This was a test of colored pencils with water soluble crayon high lights.

The basic sketches were penciled in, and I wondered if the crayons would bleed through.

The page was sealed after the pencil sketching was done.  I used a little post it notes here, to keep track of which pages are sealed.

Colored pencils were used first to get all the little spaces filled.   It looked fine,the color is not very bright, and I know that the color will more fade over time.

This is the difference with crayon high-light added.  It brightened up the page and really made the color pop. It gave me some added range of colors for high lighting & definition too.


Started Bible Journaling

The colored pencils that I used to color my early drawings have begun to fade & press on to the other pages. It is nice to go back over them and touch up some of the color, with the water soluble crayons.

How I use the crayons

Using crayons seems pretty easy.  You draw, color, blend & add water, that is one way of using them.   I have found that drawing directly on the paper is a lot of color.   I want them to be more like watercolor paints, it is easier for me to mix and lift the color off a palette or directly of the crayon.  See Here.


The Bible that I am using here is:

NIV Gift and Award Bible, Revised 2001 by The Zondervan Corpartion

ISBN: 0310926181

Job 31 Briers

Job 31:38-40 (NIV)

38 “if my land cries out against me
    and all its furrows are wet with tears,
39 if I have devoured its yield without payment
    or broken the spirit of its tenants,
40 then let briers come up instead of wheat
    and weeds instead of barley.”

The words of Job are ended.

  • NKJV used the word thistle in places of briers:

40 Then let thistles grow instead of wheat,
And weeds instead of barley.” (NKJV)

Bible Study

There are lots of wonderful moments that I have while reading the Bible. One of those times is when I can hear words used that indicate the person is quoting another part of the bible.  It feels important or special to me, to make that connection.  Just like I am studying scripture now, they also studied, memorized, & read the words of God.

Thorns, Thistles, Briers

I saw a hint of that here in Job, you can tell that Job was  familiar  with the book of Genesis.  The reference to producing thorns & thistle, reminds me of:

Genesis 3:18(NIV)

18 It will produce thorns and thistles for you,
    and you will eat the plants of the field.

And “land cries out against me”, in verse 38, sounds like the story of Cain.


Genesis 4:10(NIV)

10 The Lord said, “What have you done? Listen! Your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground.

The other neat point about these verses is that Job has just said “Let the Lord Almighty answer me (v35), and then he uses language & terms that reference points of history in Genesis when God was speaking to Adam & Cain. They were guilty of sins, & God spoke to them. Job was asking for honesty, come tell what I have done wrong, if there is anything.  Job is not hiding from God as Adam & Cain tried to do.

Praying His word

This is also a wonderful example of what we often say & hear in Christian circles: “Pray the word of God”.  Job has done just that, he has made that connection.  He prayed, ‘Let the Almighty answer me” and then he quotes samples of times that God has spoken to guilty men on earth.

  • Note also that this is the last statement of Job. Elihu continue speaking for 6 chapters. Then chapter 38 The Lord speaks. Job gets his prayers answered.

How beautiful inspired is the word of God.

Read more topical studies here

Holy Bible: New International Version. (2001). Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. All Rights Reserved.
BibleGateway. (n.d.). Retrieved August 09, 2017, from


Bible Journaling Job 31 Study Crown


 Job 31:35-37

35 (“Oh, that I had someone to hear me!

I sign now my defense—let the Almighty answer me;

let my accuser put his indictment in writing.

36 Surely I would wear it on my shoulder,

I would put it on like a crown.

37 I would give him an account of my every step;

I would present it to him as to a ruler.)—

                   Job 31:35-37 New International Version (NIV)

35 Oh, that I had one to hear me!

Here is my mark.

Oh, that the Almighty would answer me,

That my Prosecutor had written a book!

36 Surely I would carry it on my shoulder,

And bind it on me like a crown;

37 I would declare to Him the number of my steps;

Like a prince I would approach Him.

                                                Job 31:35-37 New King James Version (NKJV)

Study Notes

In my clothing topic study, I came across this verse in Job.  It surprised me & created a picture in my mind. Wearing indictments on the shoulder & as a crown, how would that look?

“let my accuser put his indictment in writing.

 Surely I would wear it on my shoulder,”

It made me think of a long written scroll of indictments, maybe flowing like a cape, charges & accusations brought against Job.  Then he said,

“ I would put it on like a crown.”

Wow, not only was he going to wear them on his shoulder, but now he said he would

“put it on like a crown.”

Job is braver then me, I would not be confident to wear all of my accusation proudly and walk towards him.  Mostly cause Job, was more righteous that me.  I fear most of the accusation against me would be true & I would not want them publicly displayed on my shoulder or as a crown.

But then I think of approaching Him, boldly walking towards the throne of grace.

Hebrews 4:16:  Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

I can have confidence, I am forgiven.  I have received mercy and found grace in Him.

Those charges & accusation often sneak in and start to play that same old accusing record in my mind.  Like waves that push me, into old memories of sin & regret. I beg God’s forgiveness.   Then I stop, I remind my self, I am forgiven.  I don’t have to keep begging the Lord to do something he has already done. I have repented & turned towards him.  My mind set needs to be changed to praise.


“Thank you Lord, that you have forgiven me.  Thank you Lord, that you care for me. Thank you Lord that you have blotted out my transgressions.”   (Ps 51:1)  Thank you that you are creating in me a pure heart, (Ps 51:1;10). Thank you Lord, that I am the woman of Luke 7, the one who had the bigger debit. (v 43)

Luke 7:47-48 (NIV)

47 Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven—as her great love has shown. But whoever has been forgiven little loves little.”

48 Then Jesus said to her, “Your sins are forgiven.”

Responsible fix-it nature

I want to say that again, another way because as women we tend to take things on as ours. We are the mothers, caregivers, the responsible party trying fix things, the peace keepers of the family. Sometimes that responsible fix-it nature turns inward on us, and we forget to turn to God. We need to be careful that the weight on our shoulder is not a heavy baggage of guilt that we write for ourselves & willing carry it because we feel unforgivable.

At bible study a few months ago this same topic came up:  our mind flipping that switch that lists our transgression and it beats at us.  The group was reminded,  “we need to take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ.” (2 Cor.10:5) For me that personal means when those thoughts start to play in my mind & I hear my self saying “ God forgive me.”  I need to change that to thankfulness.

Thankfulness & Praise

I have to change it to praise, say “Thank you God! That you have forgiven me.”  He has forgiven me already.  I was glad that other women in the room agreed and she needed to hear that reminder too.  We all do at times ladies.

2 Corinthians 10:5 – We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

pure joy teaching

The Way of Wisdom

Proverbs 4:11 ...

Christian Valentines from Teacher to Students

During my first year teaching in ...

Comparing Water Soluble Crayons to Colored Pencils

Comparing Colored Pencils to Water Soluble ...
Job 31

Job 31 Briers

Job 31:38-40 (NIV) 38 “if my land cries ...
Jobs crown bible study

Bible Journaling Job 31 Study Crown

 Job 31:35-37 35 (“Oh, that I ...
small art supply case

Small Bible Journaling Travel Case

Small Supply Case This was the ...
ps 93 4 Bible journaling

Psalms 93:4 Bible Journaling

Psalms 93:3-4 3The seas have lifted up, Lord, ...

Romans 15:13 View of back page

I was so excited to creat ...

Bible Quotations from:

BibleGateway. (n.d.). Retrieved August 07, 2017, from

Small Bible Journaling Travel Case

Small Supply Case

This was the perfect size for my small colored pencils, eraser, Pen, mechanical pencil, and Post-it Notes.

At first I used this hinged clear toothbrush case for just for pens, pencils & high lighters that were standard size.  

On one of my trips, the eraser on the mechanical pencil wore down to nothing. On that same trip I also was tearing off pieces of scrap paper to make notes of the bible study ideas that I wanted to remember.  That is when I decided, that I needed to fit in post-it notes, & an eraser into my small case.

bible study supplies

The eraser fits perfectly right where the toothbrush head would be, pencils and post-it’s fits snuggly in line.   

Mini Post-it Notes are a great solution.

A hard sunglass case might work too, if you can’t find this size toothbrush case. This was a bit larger than the other thin cases I normal find.too

pure joy teaching

The Way of Wisdom

Proverbs 4:11 ...

Christian Valentines from Teacher to Students

During my first year teaching in ...

Comparing Water Soluble Crayons to Colored Pencils

Comparing Colored Pencils to Water Soluble ...
Job 31

Job 31 Briers

Job 31:38-40 (NIV) 38 “if my land cries ...
Jobs crown bible study

Bible Journaling Job 31 Study Crown

 Job 31:35-37 35 (“Oh, that I ...
small art supply case

Small Bible Journaling Travel Case

Small Supply Case This was the ...
ps 93 4 Bible journaling

Psalms 93:4 Bible Journaling

Psalms 93:3-4 3The seas have lifted up, Lord, ...

Romans 15:13 View of back page

I was so excited to creat ...

Psalms 93:4 Bible Journaling

Psalms 93:3-4

3The seas have lifted up, Lord,
    the seas have lifted up their voice;
    the seas have lifted up their pounding waves.

Mightier than the thunder of the great waters,
    mightier than the breakers of the sea—
    the Lord on high is mighty.

Ps 93:3-4

Check out other Old Testament Verses & New Testament 

pure joy teaching

The Way of Wisdom

Proverbs 4:11 ...

Christian Valentines from Teacher to Students

During my first year teaching in ...

Comparing Water Soluble Crayons to Colored Pencils

Comparing Colored Pencils to Water Soluble ...
Job 31

Job 31 Briers

Job 31:38-40 (NIV) 38 “if my land cries ...
Jobs crown bible study

Bible Journaling Job 31 Study Crown

 Job 31:35-37 35 (“Oh, that I ...
small art supply case

Small Bible Journaling Travel Case

Small Supply Case This was the ...
ps 93 4 Bible journaling

Psalms 93:4 Bible Journaling

Psalms 93:3-4 3The seas have lifted up, Lord, ...

Romans 15:13 View of back page

I was so excited to creat ...


Watercolor Decorative Book Edge Test Tape Masking

Decorative Book Edge Test

I have a few ideas to create a beautiful edge on my bible.  Testing  the idea on a sample book that I got for free seemed like a good idea.


I have lots of letter stickers.   I thought that using letters stickers would create a well spaced image.  Easier than trying to free hand the text on the edge. Before I use up my letters, I wanted to test the idea.

stickers on book edge

The sample stickers were old, and they did not stick very well to the book edge.  Which worried me, so I changed plans to try tape instead.   This would be a good comparison.

Packing tape

The clear packing tape, I tried to cut it into a shape before placing it on the book.  Cutting tape with scissors does not work well, but we can still use the odd shape for the test.   It stuck to the book better than the stickers.

Duck Tape

I placed a rectangle piece of duck tape on the book edge, then used an xacto knife to cut it into shape of the letter T, and left one extra square on for good measure.  Cutting the tape while on the book worked much better. It also created a good seal too.  This is just a test, so I didn’t get fancy.

watercolor paint over stickers & tape


Carefully I painted from the center of the stickers toward the edge.  I did not want the brush to lift the sticker and let paint go under it.

On the tape I was less careful with my brush cause the seal was good.

watercolor edge of book

Looks, good.  I think it worked. The little yellow spots are not paint, they were on the book before.

  • Note:  3 Rubber bands were used to hold the book edge stiff


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Romans 15:13 View of back page

I was so excited to creat this page.  This was one of the first larger images that I created in the limited open space of my bible.  The sample page turned out great.  I will be a nice card for someone special.

The paper was not the same weight as the book, and I think that was part of the difference.  I should have sealed the page first. I tested a homemade sealer before on a diffrent page & it was lumpy, the textured was bad.  So I skipped page prep! I did not want to buy sealer.

bible art journal opps ink

Back Page Opps!

This is the back of the page.  You can see that the blue,  & pink color bleed through to the back.    The ink, also bleed through and that really surprised me.

On the test page I sketched with a pencil, painted and let it dry before adding the ink over the dry picture.   In my bible I forgot the process that worked and I traced the pencil work with ink before I painted.   That might be why the ink bleed through.   I need to be more careful now that I am adding the element of water to my art journaling.

This was another learning curve for me.  I hope it helps you, but does not scare you away from art journaling.

The bible that I am using is the cheapest  NIV Gift and Awards Bible.  The pages are tan/off white medium weight.  It is a fine Bible, it has served me well over the years.

Happy Journaling!